Apie komentarą pranešta administracijai. Jei komentaras neatitinka taisyklių, jis bus ištrintas.
2021-07-15 12:33
This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products!
It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level.
Watch and be surprised by our super low prices https://is.gd/72jG3I
2021-07-15 12:17
This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products!
It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level.
Watch and be surprised by our super low prices https://cutt.us/6nChw
2021-07-15 12:04
This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products!
It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level.
Watch and be surprised by our super low prices https://cutt.us/6nChw
2021-07-15 07:52
This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products!
It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level.
Watch and be surprised by our super low prices https://cutt.us/6nChw
2021-07-15 07:44
This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products!
It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level.
Watch and be surprised by our super low prices https://is.gd/72jG3I
Pandėlio gimnazijos jaunieji šauliai pasitikdami Kovo 11– ąją kovo 4 dieną dalyvavo pėsčiųjų žygyje „Laisvės vardan“.
VIII–asis pėsčiųjų žygis šiemet vyko maršrutu Kalviai (Kamajų seniūnija) – Juodonių piliakalnis – Maleišių ka
Vasario 16-oji Rokiškyje minima ne tik iškilmingu vėliavos pakėlimu ar gėlių padėjimu prie Laisvės paminklo. Ketvirtus metus iš eilės šią dieną rajono meras padėkos raštais apdovanoja krašto žmones, savo darbais, visuomenine veikla, užsidegimu ir entuziazmu
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