Vyriausybė: savivalda galėtų reguliuoti prekybą alkoholiu

Publikuota: 2025-03-03 18:53:15
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Beto Rose
2020-06-21 14:02
It is June 21st in Perth, Australia and Global Day of ALS MND Awareness begins where we last gathered together in person to work together on a World Without ALS/MND! #ALSMNDWithoutBorders. I hope and pray that all of us will continue to unite as a community to raise more awareness for everyone to know the need for herbal treatments to cure ALS and any other kind of incurable but management diseases or virus and support each other during these challenging times of Covid-19 Pandemic. I want everyone to know that we are living testimony http://bitly.ws/8kNQ of Dr. Yare's Natural Herbal Cure which is highly powerful, blessed and very effective. I hope everyone reading this post should share and refer to others who need help to visit Dr. Godsent Yare website on http://bit.ly/2dBFYeW for better knowledge about his cure, When people know better they do better . Contact him directly by what'saap or call +2348164653711 , +2348148010628 You will be glad you did.
2019-11-14 05:26
Liaudzei tik į liko gert ,gal tegu nuima pašalpas tiek soc rememiem ir sau
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